Students should blog for many reasons:
    1.  Allows students to have a real live audience.
    2.  Allows students to express ideas through pictures, text, links, etc.
    3.  Practices writing in a fun yet professional way.

Why not try blogging with your students? 
Ask yourself am I a beginner when it comes to technology or am I more advanced.  Either way there are ways to use technology in your classroom and be comfortable with it.  I found 12 easy ways to use technology online.  I especially like the use technology for a writing assignment.  This is good as students can write directions to explain how to use technology which is very hard to write enough details for someone else to understand.  This is similar to the write directions about making a PBJ why not turn this into 21st century
I was searching for information with the Mathematical practices and came across this article online.  It is a quick read that gives a little background of the MP and gives some good hyperlinks for resources with the MP.  Think about as you read it and search it, "how will I use the Mathematical practices this year?"
This is the time you are buying school supplies.  How much do these supplies cost for 1 student?  How much do these supplies cost for 10 students, 100 students, 1000 students? 
This would be a good first day quick math opener to get students thinking.

As I was looking at my picture at the top of the page and thinking about changing it, this thought came to my mind "no don't change it, there is a story in that picture."  The story is we are teachers and we plant seeds everyday.  The goal of my posts are to plant seeds for you to use in your classes through math and technology ideas.  Think about how you might plant seeds this year in Math or through the use of technology in your classroom.